• Series of edits featuring skating, bails and outtakes from various skating sessions of SYEAHSKATE, the infamous Greek rollerblading crew

  • A really oldschool session at the peace&friendship stadium of Athens, Greece. Featuring probably the first big trick i ever shot, courtesy of George Sarantoulias.

  • Shooting one roll of tri-x super 8 film (3.2 min) and testing a hmi battery operated light (200D). Shot by A.Tsam and cut by N.Kouros. Skating by Syeahskate.
    Music by R.L. Burnside and Lyrics Born

  • the first 3 sessions on the best railbox on planet earth!
    Skate :
    Νίκος Διακουμέας
    Aντρέας Τσαμτσούρης
    Νίκος Κούρος
    Νικόλας Wallace Cornford
    Άγγελος Αποστολόπουλος
    Γιώργος Μητρόπουλος
    Νίκος Αναστασιάδης
    Kάμερα :
    Οδυσσέας Σελελμαζίδης
    Nίκος Διακουμέας
    Tatou Ράμμου
    Edit :
    Νίκος Κόυρος

  • 1st couple of sessions at a new spot
    Skating and camera by :
    Odi Selelmazidis
    Nikos Diakumeas
    Agelos Apostolopulos
    Giorgos Mitropulos
    Nikos Kouros
    Edit :
    Νίκος Κόυρος

  • A summer edit at Northpark skatepark, Thessaloniki, Greece
    Skated, Shot & Cut by members of Syeahskate
    Track : Witch - Seer
    -Series of edits featuring skating, bails and outtakes from various skating sessions of SYEAHSKATE, the infamous Greek rollerblading crew

  • Rooftop Sessions
    Various tricks from late #13 and #14
    Shot @ the Republic of Syeahskate, Athens, Greece.
    Shot & Cut by Syeahskate
    Track by Jurassic 5

  • One rainy Athens night
    Shot @ the Republic of Syeahskate, Athens, Greece.
    Shot & Cut by Syeahskate
    Track by Mindjive

SyeahSkateSessions #1-10


-Series of edits featuring skating, bails and outtakes from various skating sessions of SYEAHSKATE, the infamous Greek rollerblading crew-